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回答: 請教8老師AOS vs CPjayz1082019-02-26 18:44:37

申請NIW I140的時候選擇了AOS,去年10月份申請了I824把AOS改成CP,現在PD current, I824還沒批準,配偶還在中國,短時間之內沒有來美國的打算,我接下來一年還打算在美國以H1B身份工作,想請問下8老師

  1. 是不是我申請I485的話,之前的I824就會自動deny了?-Yes. You only can choose either of the two because these two are contraditional.
  2. 如果我要申請485,可以同時為配偶申請一個新的I824來為她做CP嗎?是不是即使同時申請,新的I824也要等我的485批準了,才會處理?-I think so. 那不是在我485批準後還要再等4-11個月(USCIS現在的I824處理時間)才能等到新的I824批準?
  3. 如果我不申請485,是不是可以等去年的I824批準後和配偶一起走CP流程?-Yes.走CP流程期間我可以正常的以H1B身份在美國工作嗎?-Yes.和AOS相比對我有沒有什麽不利的因素?這樣操作的話是不是配偶的CP就比我申請485的case要快很多,因為不用再提交新的824和等它批準了?-Yes, you spouse will get the visa faster, but you personally will get your green card slower than you file I-485 to get it in US. So, it is up to you. I would suggest you to file I-485 to get the green card quickly and then,  file I-824 for your spouse to apply for the immigrant visa after you get the green card, or your spouse comes to US using H-4 visa any time during your I-485 pending and file her I-485. You don't know what will happen to you (e.g. you may lose your job before you get the green card), so the sooner to get the green card, the better to you.




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