
EB1a要求補材料, 關於Documentation of beneficiary’s membership,提到

The petitioner has provided evidence of membership that the beneficiary belongs to the following associations:

OSA member(美國光學學會,感覺是交錢就可以進)

SPIE member(國際光學學會,感覺是交錢就可以進)-Useless.

China Society for XXX(中國的一個學會的青年委員,這個是資深教授推薦後進的)-You have address what kind of qualification for a person to  join this  kind of association, and you have great achievement and be qualified for the memebership and joined it.

China XXX(中國的一個學會的高級會員,也是有人推薦進的,但高級會員人數比較多)



This criterion has not been met because the evidence does not show that the associations require outstanding achievements of its members. The petitioner did not provide any supporting evidence to meet this criterion. The petitioner may submit:

(1). The section of the association’s constitution or bylaws which discuss the criteria for membership for the beneficiary’s level of membership in the association.

(2). Information to establish that the individuals who review prospective member’s applications are recognized as national or international experts in their disciplines or fields.

(3). The section of the association’s constitution or bylaws which discuss the qualifications required of the reviewers on the review panel of the association.



-That means the Association has to have high qualification requirements for a person to become the member. i.e. you can not just pay the memberhsip fee to become the member, but you have to have a great achievement in your field, then the Association can acccept you as its member.

You may consult an immigraton lawyer.


