請教8老師, EB1a要求補材料, 問題有點長,實在讓您費心了, 關於contributions的問題請教

來源: oucruiser 2015-09-15 18:21:40 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2976 bytes)
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EB1a要求補材料, 關於Evidence of the beneficiary’s original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or business-related contributions of major significance in the field.

The petitioner has provided

  1. Evidence of Patents being issued to projects that the beneficiary contributed to
  2. Citation listings for the beneficiary
  3. Articles that the beneficiary authored or coauthored

先問個小問題, 請問這裏第(1)點中的projects是什麽意思, 不是指基金項目的projects吧?


請問獲得基金資助是不是不算Contributions, 我Exhibit中還有一個”Other Evidences of Significant Original Contributions”, 這裏包括我獲得的項目情況, 在讓我補材料的信中沒有提及, 感覺評審人像是按照我的Exhibit的內容來講的. 請教大家.


This criterion has not been met because the evidence submitted does not show that the beneficiary’s contributions are considered to be of major significance in the field of endeavor. Evidence has been provided to show that the beneficiary has made contributions to field but additional evidence is required to determine if these contributions are of major significance. To assist in determining whether the beneficiary’s contributions are original and of major significance in the field, the petitioner may submit:

  1. Objective documentary evidence of the significance of the beneficiary’s contribution to the field.
  2. Documentary evidence that people throughout the field currently consider the beneficiary’s work important.
  3. Testimony and/or support letters from experts which discuss the beneficiary’s contributions of major significance.
  4. Evidence that the beneficiary’s major significant contribution(s) has provoked widespread public commentary in the field or has been widely cited.
  5. Evidence of the beneficiary’s works being implemented by others. Possible evidence may include but is not limited to:

  Contracts with companies using the beneficiary’s products;

  Licensed technology being used by others;

  Patents currently being utilized and shown to be significant to the field.


要求補的上麵這幾點, 我是特別無助, 第(5)點肯定沒有.  第(2)和第(3)點, 又有什麽區別?

針對第(4)點, 應該從哪方麵說明, 另外請教,論文被引用的國家地區分布的小燈圖, 是不是可以把所有論文的被引都算上一起作一個燈圖.

問題有點多, 實在是麻煩大家了, 謝謝. 



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