My first reaction is to "fight": win your hu*****and back. Do not give up your family. When I say "fight", I mean work with him, try hard, do anything, to keep him.
Then, I realize that this task is too hard to accomplish if you live seperate lifes. You can only accomplish this if you live together. Is it possible to live together from now on? Is it what you want now? live together, save marriage? If it is, then you have to drop everything and move to China or he moves to US.
If you can not find a way to live together, that may imply that saving this marriage is not your top priority. if that is the case, you may just let it go. Forgive him and find your own happiness. YOu can only find your happiness after you forgive him. Do not live a bitter life, do not let this ruin your life.
Ask youself what you want the most now and go get it. The sad part is that you may have to give up something you like very much.
I hope you get what you want the most.