I heard China is also changing its rules about teacher -student love relationship. Not sure if it's already implemented or not, yet... It's definitely a "no no" in any western countries. The teachers will get fired with no hesitation. -- That may not be what you want for your hu*****and I guess?
You may need to talk -- as calmly as possible, with your hu*****and. Ask him what he REALLY wants. Also you may have to ask yourself what you REALLY want for you too.
8 years of an actual separating life has not been easy for you. How many years are you going to live the same life as you have been living? Are you happy ( before knowing about the affair) with your life? How many more 8 years you have left for you to enjoy life?
College girls in China are hungry for their male teachers (we all know that don't we?), especially the ones they think are attractive...How many more affairs you think you're going to have to put up with if you ever survive this one? There're armies of them which you can't fight let alone winning...The fact that you're not around just doesn't make things any easier for you...
Ask what your heart desires, AND what your brain tells you to do. Sometimes, or most of the time what our brain tells us is different from what our heart wants...Which one you're going to listen to...?
Good luck!