請問老師, 我們給父母辦延期, 收到了RFE, 正在準備材料。 很早之前就定好的去Alaska的遊輪,
中間要短暫停靠加拿大。 請問這種情況如果坐了遊輪會不會導致延期申請失效?
-Does their I-94 expire yet? If yes, they only can enter US usimg their B-2 visa if the B2 visa is still valid (bring the B2 extension receipt notice, in case), but their pending B2 extension application may be affected. If their I-94 is still valid, then they can come back within 30 days using the I-94 by using the Automatic visa revalidation benefits.
或者到了加拿大, 是不是不能下船
-No difference unless the ship does not come to Canada.