前有林書豪,後有Wesley Wang.
才19歲,花了兩年多的時間拍短視頻。去年九月在YouTube上發了一段 12分鍾的短視頻。
Darren Aronofsky 看了以後買斷了right, 勸說Wang從H輟學,明年TriStar 和Sony把影片搬上大銀幕。
Wesley Wang 成為最年輕的大銀幕影片導演。
Nothing,except everything
to all the fools who dream: for all my life, i've been told i'm too young to make anything truly meaningful, but i hope this is a reminder that your "immaturity" is your expression, and for millions of people that will ring true. When Orson Welles was once asked how he directed Citizen Kane, he replied “sheer ignorance... I did it because I did not know it was impossible.”