8老師您好! 我持H1B在美工作3年,5月份被layoff, 現在是家屬F2身份。最近我又找到了跟之前專業相關的工作,在跟雇主談offer 和何時可以開始上班。請問:
- 如果我(加籍)出境,能否再持H1B入境?我的H1B 延期(I-797)已approved, 到2023年4月前有效。
-Your new employer needs to file I-129 to change your F2 status to H-1b first and then, you can work or travel and get H-1B I-94 in the port of entry to reenter US.
a) 如果可以的話,是不是持approved I-797,護照 和 offer letter就可以在邊境以新的H1B入境?-You need to get the H-1b aprpoved and then, get the H-1B I-94 at the port of entry to reenter US if you travel outside US.
b) 還需要遞交I-129 和LCA嗎?
-Yes, do it all over again as you did before for your old H-1b. Talk to your new employer or lawyer.
如果需要的話,是要LCA和I-129 都已approve?還是說隻要新雇主填寫LCA 和I-129就可以,不需要approved?
如果b)可行,是不是就等於不用在境內遞交LCA & change of employer (I539), which takes ~3-4 weeks. -No I-539 related.