一朋友的孩子正在申請H1B。現在遇到一個難題。她在一個大學從事非教職的工作。她申請該工作時,該校在網上廣告中的Job description 和她的學位不完全相符。學校雇的律師說申請時隻能用原來的Job description, 不能改動。 是這樣子嗎?敬請專家和懂的朋友不吝賜教。
-Advertisement is not required for H-1B petition unless the school has hired at least 15% of the employees who hold H-1 status. So, just ingore the advertisement description, and write a new job description in the Form I-129 H-1B petition to match her degree (the degree must match the job description/requirement). It seems the lawyer is not so experienced.