
回答: 8老師打擾了,問一下H1B延期回國問題Kate14522019-01-17 07:22:30

我的H1B今年8月到期,我去年6月回國了一次, 所以護照上麵美領館貼的那頁紙寫著6月12日過期。我今年打算再回國一次,計劃6月回去7月再回來。移民律師告訴我說 ”you WILL NOT be applying to get your visa stamped while in China. You can only do that if you have a new approval notice”。但是我美領館上的那頁寫著6月12日過期,是不是我的律師搞錯了呀?
-You need to apply for a new H-1B visa to come back. Because your current H-1 will expire in August, it may be difficult for you to use this old H-1 approval notice to get the visa. So, you may need the new H-1B approval notice for the visa application after your H-1 extension is approved. You may ask your employer to use premium processing to get your H-1 extension approved before you leave. Talk to your lawyer. If you leave US before your H-1 extension is approved, you may ask the lawyer or the employer send you the copy of the H-1 approval notice for application for the visa (scan it and email it to you).
