1. 如果出境去加拿大,10月1日前回來,是否依然是以TN 身份回美國?
-Yes, but it will override your H-1.
還是要去在加拿大的美國領事館辦H1B 手續,如何用H1B回美
-You had better get the H-1 to come back if you will come back after September 21. You don't need to go to the US Consulate in Canada. Because you are a Canadian citizen, you just need to use the H-1 approval notice and the employment verification letter from your employer to enter US and get the new H-1 I-94 there as you did for TN.
2. H1B 和家屬的H4,可否在邊境辦,如同TD?-Yes. Your family members need to get the H-4 I-94 together with your H-1 I-94 at the US-Canada border if they are also Canadian citizens.
3. 小孩13歲,TD,護照本月底到期,是否在到期前可以申請轉H4? 現在申請小孩護照延期(郵寄方式),很可能無法在10月1日前收到護照。但是開車回加拿大有擔心回美國入境手續(是否要去領事館重新申請H1等等)問題,而且繁瑣耗時,求教8老師最穩妥的方式。