我去年10月拿到公司A的h1b。今年5月1號被公司A laid off。5月10號收到了公司B和公司C的offer。5月11號B,C都開始做h1b transfer。5月26號B,C都收到了USCIS的receipt notice。5月27號我使用receipt去公司B開始上班。6月8號,公司C收到了USCIS的approval notice。6月10號,公司B收到了USCIS的RFE。問題是:
1. 5月27號我開始工作的時候,是不是就不在我的60天grace period裏麵了?-It is in grade period and your work for Company is legal.
2. 6月10號以後,在公司B收到approval notice之前,我還能在B繼續工作嗎?
還有這段時間我是不是又在grace period裏麵了?-It does not matter. As long as your H-1B transfer is pending, you can work for Company B up to 240 days.
3. 6月10號以後,在公司B收到approval notice之前,我可以去公司C上班嗎?
-Yes as long as Company C have not requested USCIS to revoke your H-1B yet.
還有這樣複雜的情況下,我的grace period到底該如何計算呢?
4. 6月10號以後,在公司B收到approval notice之前,假設我又收到了公司D的offer,這個時候公司D做transfer是從公司B做,還是從公司A做?如果是從B做的話,要等到B被approve之後,D才有可能被approve嗎?
-USCIS may approve your H-1b with D, but the appproval may have no I-94. I will suggest you to work for Company C if they still does not withdraw the H-1B approval and accept you to work for them.
5. 6月10號以後,在公司B收到approval notice之前,假設我可以先去C上班,工作幾天後,我又收到了公司D的offer,這個時候,公司D做transfer是從A,B,還是C來做?
-You have to make your mind and do not make so many employers angry. Because the employer pays a lot of money to file the H-1 petition and if you don't work for them for a while, they waste their money and time, and also cannot hire another person to work for them on tiime due to deciding to hire you.
6. 如果6月20號公司B的最終收到deny transfer,6月21號我收到公司E的offer,這個時候E可以給我做transfer嗎?如果可以的話,是從A公司transfer嗎?