在高校,現在準備H1b extension,還沒有送出去。
1. 請問如果五月打算回國一趟,回來沒有問題吧?
2. 如果在我回國期間,新H1批了,而入境用老H1b,那回來之後有什麽問題麽?
-If the H-1 petition is still pending after you come back, you will be fine. If it is approved before you come back, your I-94 will override the I-94 which is issued with the H-1 extension approval. Of course, if you come back to US just 10 days or less before the new H-1 approval is effective (i.e. approved H-1 I-94 starts), then you can use the new H-1 approval notice to enter US, and thus you can get the H-1 I-94 at the port of entry with the same duration as the H-1 approval notice.
3. 如果override的情況發生了,我需要怎麽做?出境再簽證,然後入境拿到新的I94? 不需要重新renew H1B吧?
-Either file a new H-1 extension petition or go outside US and come back using the H-1 visa to get a new I-94.
4.如果我拿著H1b extension的receipt, 能避免這種情況麽?
-The receipt may not be not helpful (not hurt you to bring it). But the new H-1 approval notice might possibly be helpful if the IO is considerable (he/she may offer you a new I-94 duration as the new H-1 approval notice).