
本帖於 2018-01-19 16:06:42 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯

H1-B 六年還有幾個月就用完了,目前沒有Pending 的PERM,希望維持在美國的合法身 份,請問應該怎麽辦?

我能想到的是轉O1 簽證,請問用過H1-B 後還可以再申請O1簽證嗎?
-You must file change of status before the H-1B expires. Talk to the employer (O-1 is filed by the employer for you, not done by yourself).

 還有一個是去讀個MBA, 在美國境內H1-B 可以轉F-1 嗎?
-Yes, but you must do it before the H-1 expires. Otherwise you need to go to China to get the F-1 visa to come back.

有沒有MBA 不需要GMAT的?
-I don't know.

還有什麽辦法啊?本想NIW PP, 有人告訴我NIW 不能PP,
-If your background is strong enough, you can try EB1. Talk to a lawyer.



非常感謝8老師的耐心回複, -RichardNixon- 給 RichardNixon 發送悄悄話 (173 bytes) () 01/21/2018 postreply 21:28:21
