
回答: 關於H1b退款問題的後續查詢夜晚的鍾聲2017-11-19 11:53:55


關於發生H1B發生退款事宜後:我們及律師多次聯係移民局沒有得到任何回應,上個星期infopass去了移民局,隻是告訴我們八月份有Notice 寄出來了,但是雇主和律師一直都沒有收到這個Notice.除了H1B的批準件。移民局工作人員想在係統裏查詢,但是檔案打不開,H1B沒有被revoked, 告訴我們Case始終有效。這個月會再寄一封信出來。

現在查詢這個號碼還是處於:Refund was mailed還是no effect the processing or location of your case。


律師對我和雇主申請H1B的資格一點都不會當心。我和雇主兩方麵百分百符合H1B的資格申請條件,而且同一個雇主免勞工證的條件下,這個月加急五個工作日無補件的獲得EB2 I-140的批準。但是我和雇主還是當心H1B會否出現什麽問題?雇主又開出三張支票,infopass時就差跪求移民局把支票收了吧!詢問了許多地方大家都很蒙圈,包括移民局自己連檔案都打不開,隻顯示兩個Case by Approval,查不到退款原因?正常情況下移民局是不退款的既使申請沒有批準,除非沒中簽或者多收了錢才會退錢的對嗎?如果真是移民局出錯會影響批準的H1B嗎?後續我們該怎樣應對?
-If your employer can lawyer cannot find the case revocation information from the USCIS system,  I don't think you need to worry about it too much. It is very common for USCIS officers to make mistake to issue this kind of notice on line or by email.  So, I think your H-1 approval is valid and you can just work because your employer and lawyer actually have not receive the paper-type revocation notice, especially your lawyer and employer have been contacted USCIS many times by phone, mail and visiting the local office. If you receive the revocation notice in the future, you still can appeal or even go to the immigration court.



非常感謝老師的幫助和指點 -夜晚的鍾聲- 給 夜晚的鍾聲 發送悄悄話 (62 bytes) () 11/20/2017 postreply 15:57:53
