請教老師,生物博後h1b被RFE?,學校律師讓我自己細化job description 以qualify level1的要求,我自己寫了一部分,但是不確定是否over qualify level1。level1要求basic understanding of the occupation and under close supervision,但是生物博後jobzone 是5, 要求Extensive skill, knowledge, and experience are needed for these occupations. Many require more than five years of experience. 等等。
似乎level1的要求和 jobzone5的表述是矛盾的,請問哪裏能找到一些job description的參考,尤其是生物專業的?
-Just do whatever the RFE required. You may descried your training during Ph.D study such as your research skills, experiences, publication including abstracts for professional meetings, funding, what projects you have conducted, etc. You may ask your Ph.D advisor to give you a recommendation about your qualifications which prove you are highly qualified for the job you will work as Postdoc.