關於在同一個雇主下:由於雇主另一個新的Office 要兩年後才開始運作,但全職的H1B今年五月份已經獲批,六月份已經開始免勞工卡的perm申請了。1: 如果雇主想先省錢,想把我的H1B先改為part time 等到兩年後新的Office開業後再改回全職可以嗎?
-Yes. The job/position for PERM is the position after you get the green card, so it is irrelevant to your current position.
如果在同一個雇主情況下,怎麽樣改成part time?
-ASk the employer to file an H-1 amendment to USCIS to change the full-time H-1 to part time H-1. Talk to the lawyer and they know how to handle it.
2: 或者等到加急的perm批準後再改成part time的H1B?