
回答: EB1A 提交為什麽說是 “not helpful”?littleworm2017-03-09 22:06:24

多謝 8老師解答 !

是不是可以必須在被裁前同時提交 I-140,485 的 EB1A 才可以避免悲劇發生?

-H-1 is irrelevant to your I-140/I-485 filing. But if you file I-485, you can legally stay in US. The problem is that your qualification must be good enough for EB-1A, otherwise it will not very helpful just for legal stay to file EB-1A I-485.

如果條件不強,為什麽說是 “not helpful”? 是因為提交H1B-transfer 也可以 legal stay, 再提交EB1A 申請算是多餘的嗎,又浪費錢和時間?

_Submission of I-140 and I-485 is just temporarily helpful for you to stay, and it will be denied shortly if your qualifications are not good enough. So, unless you have H-1 status, you have to leave US after the I-485 is denied. Thus, it not only wastes your time and money, but also affects your other non-immigrant visa/status applications in the futrue such as F-1, B-2, due to immigrant intent. So, you had better consult an immigrant lawyer to evaluate your qualifications before you apply for EB-1A. Some immigrant lawyers may evaluate your quailifications for free (no fee).


如果父母以B1-B2身份在美國居住期間, 不幸自己被裁,後來H1B轉身份時有必要將他們的簽證更新嗎?-No. Your status is irrelevant to theirs.


現在清楚些了 -littleworm- 給 littleworm 發送悄悄話 (35 bytes) () 03/10/2017 postreply 08:52:37
