前麵請教過8老師關於H1B RFE 的事情,感覺自己對H1B RFE 這件事情很痛苦,但是律師不太上心,想換掉律師,自己回複RFE,這樣做應該可行吧?
應該如何操作呢,自己作為beneficiary 好像沒有這個權限,是要讓公司的HR出麵給 USCIS 寫信說不用原來的律師了,讓授權我和移民局聯係這個Case嗎?謝謝!
-It can only be done by your employer. Talk to the new lawyer and the new alwyer knows how to do. But it may take time for the new lawyer to be familiar with your case, so you need to consider whether you have enough time to hire a new lawyer to handle the RFE response.