
非常著急, 請求8老師解答, 謝謝了。

  1. 老公Ph.D學位,現在持2014年10月生效的h1b工作,即將被雷(估計有2個月的時間),我h4, 如何維持合法身份繼續找工作。 聽說過h1b轉f1/b1,不知哪種更加可行。
  2. H1b 轉b1, 在從b1轉h1b 會有很大風險-It is not a good idea to change to B-2 status because B-2 status is normally only valid for 6 months. Thus, you have to leave US after 6 months unless your spouse find a job and change B-2 back to H-1.
  3. h1b轉f1 的gap問題:是不是申請轉換F-1,合法身份必須維持到I-20開始之前的三十天,也就是開學之前的三十天?如果9/1/2016開學, 必須保持h1b 到8/1/2016?-Not necessary. As long as your spouse files F-1 and you file F-2 before his is laid off, then you can stay in US legally to wait for thge F-1 approval. If your spouse want to change to F-1, he needs to do it as soon as possible because F-1 norammly takes a long to time to be approved.
  4. 如果他的h1b保持不到開學之前三十天, 能否離境從加拿大申請f1簽證入境?因為大概在6月份能獲得加拿大的open work visa 。-If he works in Canada, it is OK for him to apply for the F-1 or H-1 visa in Canada, and then enter US using the visa.
  5. 離境是否會影響H1b transfer:  如果他因為h1b在8/1號之前截至,暫時離開美國,  後來又在美國找到工作, 能否從加拿大簽h1b入境?-He needs to get the H-1 visa to reenter US and most likely he may have to get the H-1 visa in China unless he work or live in Canada or is a Canadian permanent resident or Canadian citizen.
  6. 然後能不能直接辦理H1b transfer?因為隻用了2年h1b. -Yes. He does not need to get a new H-1 quote.
  7. 公司如果要revoke h1b會通知嗎?-No.
  8. h1b失效是從移民局revoke h1b 算起?-Technically, the H-1 status is invalid from the layoff date. But if he can find a job in about one to two month after the layoff, he should have no problem to do the H-1 transfer and stay in US and comtinue to work for the new employer, and he does not need to change his status or leave US. If he find a job too late, he may still do the H-1 transfer, but the H-1 transfer approval may have no I-94, thus he needs to go to China to get the H-1 visa to come back or he may need to change his status to F-1, etc. to stay in US before he find a job.