謝謝8老師的建議,總是right to the point,太讚了。我之前那個上學的問題解決了,當時也是非常感謝您的建議!
我又做了一些research,這裏說“Some employers – primarily government research institutions, nonprofit organizations, and universities – enjoy an exemption from the yearly cap. They can petition any time for a new H-1B worker. If you are working for one of these types of institutions when you find a second H-1B job, then your new employer can petition immediately, without regard to the yearly cap, even though the new employer is not itself exempt from the cap. However, this works only for so long as you continue your employment with both employers.”(http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/part-time-work-multiple-employers-h-1b-workers.html)
那這個意思就是,隻要我找到實習,而且新employer願意,隨時都可以給我file part-time h1b petition,不受cap限製,也不管新employer是不是exempt from the cap?比如我找到一家finance firm實習(這個firm本身是不能exempt from the cap),但是隻要他同意,就可以幫我file part-time h1b,而且不受cap限製的是嗎?