
本帖於 2015-09-02 10:35:34 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯
回答: 還是之前的H1B工作地點問題xiaoou20002015-09-02 08:33:32

H1b母公司在加州,被派到密州的合資公司,已在密州一年並在密州報稅(W-2上有顯示我密州住址),經老師指點要求公司幫我申請密州的LCA並上交H1B Amended Petition。

律師說我加州的母公司在密州沒有公司注冊,我現在呆的密州的公司和母公司僅是合作夥伴。請問如果母公司在密州沒有注冊能否為我辦理密州的LCA和H1b amendment? 多謝

-The H-1 amendment is irrelevant to your company registraiton in MI State. That means your employer can file H-1 amendment for you. Many H-1 holders in consultant companies have the same situation as yours.


-It should be fine if the salary was paid by the H-1 sponsor. Only risk is that if USCIS inspect your H-1 on site, and find that you do not work at the location inddicating in LCA, then you and your employer will be big trouble no matter whether what address you get paid. You had better discuss it with the lawyer (consult another lawyer) and the employer to file the H-1 amendment.


無比感激! -xiaoou2000- 給 xiaoou2000 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2015 postreply 10:48:36
