1. 國內來的學生申請到H1B,幾年後再讀研究生。中斷這個H1B。這樣會不會影響以後申請綠卡。
-Not affect anything. The problem is that if you use all of your 6-year H-1 before you go to Graduate School, you will not be qualified for the H-1 again unless you stay outside US for at least one year. Of course, if you don't use up total H-1 period of 6 years, you don't need to get a new H-1 quote and can use the left H-1 period of time.
2. 現不申請H1B。OPT到期後讀研。2年後再申請H1B然後申請綠卡
-Also fine, and you still will have another OPT if you graduate with a higher degree than the one before you 讀研.