第一個:這個part time H1B 不影響新工作的 full time H1B, 對嗎?
第二個:這個consultant position 不在payroll 上,公司會按時間pay支票(他們不付payroll tax),這樣也沒問題嗎?
-The company will send your friend's Form 1099 (similar to W-2), then your friend will pay the tax when he/she files tax return. The employer will report the income to IRS, so your friend can not ignore the tax.
第三個:這個H1B,是現公司sponsor的,幾個月後會並入另一個公司,那時如果接著做consultant,需要收購公司申請新的part time H1B 嗎?
-Do nothing. As long as the part-time H-1 is approved, combination of the company does not affect the H-1 validity.
• Thank you! -slcnana- ♀ (0 bytes) () 01/23/2015 postreply 06:17:56