8老師,結婚證公證沒能辦下來 求助!

父母已去過公證處(上海),對方說結婚證是1970年在重慶發的,他們查不到,沒法辦。 我們在考慮打電話給重慶方麵要求辦理,甚至人去那邊。但是年代久遠,能否查到說實在也沒底。

又看過USCIS的信,原文如下:“Submit the marriage certificate for the marriage of your parents with certified English Translation. The marriage certificate must be issued by the government agency authorized to issue the document. For immigration purposes, the marriage must have been registered with the government agency authorized to register marriages from the location where the marriage took place. The marriage certificate must have the seal of the issuing office, the date of registration, and signature of the registrar." 在想是否可以把結婚證原件複印,再請美國這邊的翻譯機構翻譯一下。就把這份複印件帶翻譯交上去,可以過關嗎?畢竟是RFE, 有點擔心。





Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (1603 bytes) () 02/16/2019 postreply 07:50:50

多謝8老師! -anting_sh- 給 anting_sh 發送悄悄話 (160 bytes) () 02/16/2019 postreply 07:59:19
