
回答: 請問8老師關於I-693thehappypig2019-01-11 20:06:24

請問8老師 I-693 多少時間有效? 去年9月做的體檢今年麵試的時候還可以用嗎? 如果不可以, 需要重做體檢嗎?
-Based on USCIS new rule, you must provide the I-693 within 60 days after the doctor issued it to you. You may talk to the doctor to see whether he/she can issue you a new completed I-693 using the physical exam results you did in September last year.


謝謝8老師! -thehappypig- 給 thehappypig 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2019 postreply 21:50:20

如果在交材料的時候已經交了體檢,麵試的時候還需要帶上體檢材料嗎? Will 60 days rule still be appl -Kate1452- 給 Kate1452 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2019 postreply 11:23:29
