1. 關於體檢693表格: 因為父母其中一位的身體原因,要過幾個月才能做體檢。這樣的話,是倆個人都先不遞交693,還是一方先交693? 隻交485不交693可以嗎?
-These two cases are irrelevant to each other. So, you had better provide all of the required documents at one time for either case, if possible.
2. 關於864的近三年的稅表,如果遞交的時候還沒報稅,可以就用2014,2015和2016年的稅表嗎?-You must provide the copy of tax return of 2017.
3. 父母入美國兩個月不到,可以開始辦綠卡嗎?-Had better wait for 2 to 3 months.
4. 關於131表格:需要填part 4嗎? 因為 第2頁part 3下麵有一句:if you are applying for a non-DACA related Advance Parole Document, skip to Part 7;
-You are applying for a non-DACA related Advance Parole Document, so you skip to Part 7 (i.e. your AP application is non-DACA related).