我父母去年6月初持B-2簽證入境,十月份我提交了extension application. 前兩天收到移民局通知,需要further evidence. 其他的都沒有問題,就是有一項是需要證明他們在中國有住址。
我父母自己有一套小房子,但是他們沒有把房產證帶過來(誰出國還隨身帶這個呀)。現在他們隨身帶的隻有身份證和戶口。但是因為房子是前兩年剛買的,他們的戶口和身份證上寫的還是老住址, 可是我給他們填表的時候填的是新住址。這可怎麽辦呀?
-The address they provide needs to be consistent with the address on the B2 visa application. If they used the new address for the B2 visa application, they had better ask someone in China to get the證明 from 國內當地派出所 indicating their living address and they also have a house and then, scan it and email it to you, then you may just print it out and also translate it into English, and provide both Chinese version and English version.