8 老師好! 上次問過我的綠卡律師被調查,因為他其實幾年前就被吊銷了律師執照,但是大家都不知道,現在被調查了。因為我的eb2 case 很簡單,140已經approval ,剩下就是等,也沒有收過什麽ref, 所以8老師建議我 485就自己做,律師的問題不會影響我的case.
現在問題是,調查律師的人希望我能提供給一些證據他來做報告,比如client aggrement. 因為公司小,所以律師費都是自己掏,公司隻打了廣告。第一二步,labor perm 和 I-140 我確實簽過。但是我聽說labor perm 應該是公司和律師之間的事情,我按理不應該參與,不然這個招人環節就不公平。那麽這個labor perm aggrement 和 140的agreement 我能給嗎?
-I don't know the details of the agreement, so I can not make a comment. Based on the law, the employer needs to pay the lawyer fee for PERM filing, the advertisement fee and PERM filing fee, but the lawyer does not require the employer to pay I-140 filing fee. So, you can pay the lawyer fee for I-140 filing and the I-140 filing fee by yourself. So, if you think it may hurt you to provide the agreement to the investigator, you may just tell the investigator that you lost the agreement.
會不會延伸影響到我的case,說我的approval 無效?