請問,1. 如果想給父母辦綠卡的話,今年年底申請交表可以嗎? -Yes.
2. 如可以的話,還需要更新護照嗎?-Their passport has to have the valid period of 6 months at least 8 months before entering US. So, they need to get the new passport in China before they come to US.
3. 如需更新護照的話,舊護照是否不應被剪角?-Yes. That means the old passport is void.
我都應該注意哪些事項呢?-They need to bring the new passport and the old passport together to come to US evey time until the B-2 visa expires. Show both new and old passports to the Chinese Customs Officer when leaving China and the IO at the port of entry when entering US.
4. 我8月上旬回去辦來得及嗎? 如來美之後交申請表之前更新護照可以嗎(在國內辦事心裏沒底)?
5. 父母已年過80了, 還需要體檢什麽的嗎?-Yes for green card application (need to do it in US).
我在國內都需要帶什麽手續過來呢?-Their Birth Certificates, the marriage certificate of your parents, and your birth certificate.