"The Picnic" by Manet, is not in LZ's post

This one is the most famous by Manet, as well as the most controversial because of the naked woman in the painting. (who was said Manet's favorite model in the 1860's).

Several years ago this painting was displayed at the middle landing of a grand staircase with special lighting. The effect is very dramatic. We sadly found the painting now was removed from its covet location and is simply hang together with other lesser ones on a wall.

Renoir's Le Moulin de la Galette (the dancing scene) arguably the most important painting by Renoir. Isn't the skill in painting the light sprinkling thru the trees incredible? The part I like the most about Impressionalism paintings is the expression of light. One should visit Marmottan to see some of the gorgeous paintings by Monet on Notre Dame bathing in verious sunlight during the day. Personally I like those and paintings about Seine, much more than the famous Water Lilies.

Degas has his own room in d'Orsay. The room is kept in very dim lighting to preserve them. The bronze statue Little Dancer is in London.

To really see Van Gogh, one has to go to Amsterdam where he has his own museum. Though several of Van Gogh's most popular paintings are scattered around the world, such as the Starry Night is now at MoMA.

d'Orsay has some very good Cezanne's, Gauguin's, and Ingres'.
