Oil Rises, Boosted by Lingering U.S.-Ukraine Tensions -- Mar

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Dow Jones NewsMar 3, 12:38 AM UTC
DJ Oil Rises, Boosted by Lingering U.S.-Ukraine Tensions -- Market Talk

0038 GMT - Oil rises, boosted by lingering U.S.-Ukraine tensions that could sustain global supply disruptions by keeping sanctions on Russia's oil sector. While Ukrainian President Zelensky took half steps over the weekend to repair the damage done in Friday's meeting with U.S. President Trump, there appears to be a difficult road ahead for a potential Russia-Ukraine peace deal. Also, the introduction of U.S. tariffs on oil imports from Canada and Mexico, scheduled for Tuesday, could provide an additional boost, at least to U.S. product prices, Commerzbank Research analysts say in a note. Front-month WTI crude oil futures are 0.7% higher at $70.22/bbl; front-month Brent crude oil futures are 0.7% higher at $73.31/bbl. (ronnie.harui@wsj.com)

(END) Dow Jones Newswires


March 02, 2025 19:38 ET (00:38 GMT)

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英烏兩國還簽署協議,倫敦同意為基輔提供22.6億英鎊新貸款;war continues??? -zhoufang- 給 zhoufang 發送悄悄話 (11631 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 17:27:38

歐洲都是貸款,美國白給…… -g18- 給 g18 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2025 postreply 19:46:18
