NEWS: Tesla has revealed that in Q4 2024, they recorded one

NEWS: Tesla has revealed that in Q4 2024, they recorded one crash for every 5.94 million miles driven in which drivers were using Autopilot technology, their best Q4 number ever. For drivers who were not using Autopilot technology, Tesla recorded one crash for every 1.08 million miles driven.

By comparison, the most recent data available from NHTSA and FHWA (from 2023) shows that in the US there was an automobile crash approximately every 702,000 miles.

所有跟帖: -Xiaonuzi9- 給 Xiaonuzi9 發送悄悄話 (200 bytes) () 01/29/2025 postreply 23:23:57

nice, safer than human drivers by a large margin -老生長談- 給 老生長談 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2025 postreply 06:23:35
