Ranking are based on TOTAL RETURN:
ID: 老洛說 has the highest return of 1054% for full year and 82% return for half a year. Rank No.1
ID: QQQ reach 667% return for a full year and 47% for half a year. Rank No.2
ID: CE20230925 for the full year rank has 67% return, rank No.3 for full year competition.
ID: Year for the seoncd half year competition has 46% return, rank No.3 for the half year compeition.
Compare to the benchmark SPY full year return 24.92%, all TOP 10 players have beat the SPY or 90% of the wall street fund managers.
Compare to the SPY most recent 6 month return 8.19%, all TOP 7 players have beach the SPY or 90% of the wall street fund managers.
Below rankings are based on Profit /Loss ratio:
If total number of winnings is bigger than total number of losses, P/L ration > 1
If total number of winnings is less than total number of losses, P/L ration < 1
If total number of winnings happen to be equal total number of losses, P/L ration = 1