If you have mutiple accounts, use another account to do it.

Then it's not washing sale either since it's a different account.


不要誤導!在自己不同賬號買賣絕對是wash sale, 即使是家人如配偶的account 買賣也算wash sale. -xsz- 給 xsz 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/24/2024 postreply 10:36:37

Do you have document to prove? -short_pump- 給 short_pump 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/24/2024 postreply 10:47:25

https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/primer-on-wash-sales, 見內: -xsz- 給 xsz 發送悄悄話 (992 bytes) () 12/24/2024 postreply 13:42:11
