最近朋友要買房,在找house inspectors。朋友問了ChatGPT如何發現好的house inspectors。它列舉了一套篩選法。最後說,“If you'd like, I can help you search for reputable home inspectors in your area! Let me know.”朋友就讓它找了,結果它還真找了幾家。大家覺得它推薦的可靠嗎?
最近朋友要買房,在找house inspectors。朋友問了ChatGPT如何發現好的house inspectors。它列舉了一套篩選法。最後說,“If you'd like, I can help you search for reputable home inspectors in your area! Let me know.”朋友就讓它找了,結果它還真找了幾家。大家覺得它推薦的可靠嗎?
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