
我有一個房子出租,他們是白人有錢但總喜歡晚付. 我今天發郵件再晚付就收late fee . 他就說我房子好多毛病.


I’d like you to provide us with a solution to the upstairs not being usable. A heater is needed. It is far too cold. Also, the washer emits gravel into the sink which clogs constantly. We need a fix for that as well. Lastly, the front door slams shut because the it has never worked properly. I am letting you know about these things out of courtesy and for you to address them as the owner of this property. 

請問我怎麽處理. 有時候煩的時候就想賣了算了,但這是個好地方的小房子和老房 .樓上是個閣樓. 這是個1 and 1/2 的房子 . 屋頂是新的,insulation我請專業人士是的,但是樓下和閣樓是有點溫差但絕不是不能住的,因為這房子我曾經住了10年. 


