Too confused to those names. Also has Shading powder 修容餅 and Shimmering powder閃粉.
Can someone help "Shao Mang". Is foundation a must? What is purpose to apply Powder?
Many thanks!!!
Too confused to those names. Also has Shading powder 修容餅 and Shimmering powder閃粉.
Can someone help "Shao Mang". Is foundation a must? What is purpose to apply Powder?
Many thanks!!!
That's a lot, I'll to answer some
(1953 bytes)
09/18/2012 postreply
You are an expert!
(0 bytes)
09/18/2012 postreply
Haha, not at all, just your average user, :)
(0 bytes)
09/18/2012 postreply
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