
本帖於 2022-06-01 08:12:55 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯
回答: 請教8老師baiyusan2022-06-01 04:32:25

也想借機請教一下8老師,像這種Follow-to-join 的親屬移民,廣州領事館一般可以保留幾年?是三年以上就不可以了嗎?

-If the applicant (derivative) has filed DS 260 immigrant visa application to NVC, normally it works for one year, case for case, depends on the USA Consulate. So, you need to contact the US Consulate to see whether the case is still active.
If the applicant (derivative) has not filed DS 260 yet (or the case in the US Conslate was closed-not active), then the primary beneficiary needs to file I-824 to USCIS for the derivative to do following to join and in this case, the primary beneficirary can file I-824 any time (i.e., no time limit).