最近我在給父母辦綠卡,因為爸爸是共產黨員問題收到RFE,要求提供affidavit or sworn statement. 請問啥是sworn statement? 請問皮匠大俠博客裏麵提供的是explaination letter 的模板,是應該附在申請裏交上去的,對吧?我交的時候沒有仔細看你的博客,選了共產黨,但是沒有提供 explaination letter。所以現在收到的RFE是這樣寫的要an affidavit or a sworn statement relating to any and all information about your affiliation, status of membership, role, reason or involvment with the commnist Party or any other totalitarian party.
sworn statement是不是不應該是信的形式?而是一個簡明扼要列條條的格式?
-It is just a statement, no specific format.
sworn statement列
第二條:我的入黨是一種時局所迫,利益驅動 (plus: e.g. employment and promotion needed, etc.)
-Yes, but also need to address what kind of role he acted as in the Party (e.g. a leader or just regular member), what kind of Party activities he participated in (e.g. routine Party group activities, meetings). If possible, had better provide the eveidences that he quitted the Party such as the letter from his Party group leader, or Party branch secretary, or his Party group member who knew this fact, etc.
請問移民局提交sworn statement以後一般要求提供確實的證據嗎?比如說最後一次交黨費是什麽時候,或者退黨證明一類的。這都多少年過去了,啥證據要提交不出來啊。謝謝各位大俠這樣無私的分享知識。祝你們也一切順利!