
本帖於 2025-03-03 11:31:07 時間, 由普通用戶 bigcat2026 編輯
回答: 再看一遍nature關於名校的文章吧bigcat20262025-03-03 09:53:31

Jonathan Wai1, Stephen M. Anderson2, Kaja Perina3, Frank C. Worrell4 & Christopher F. Chabris5

1Department of Education Reform and Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA.

2Department of Psychology, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA.

3 Psychology Today Magazine, New York, NY, USA.

4Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.

5Department of Bioethics and Decision Sciences, Geisinger Research Institute, Danville, PA, USA.
