如果這個I140批了,我可以carry over priority date吧?
-Correct. It is worthy to have this I-140 as the back-up and for the priority date portability.
我比較擔心的是,那個針對IT consulting的memo,是不是也會影響到I140的processing,如果被denied的可能性很高,我的三千刀不就扔湖裏連個水花都沒有?問律師,他說I140不受那個memo的影響(事實上這個consulting firm今年的H1b petition也還沒被denied的)。
-The Memo is for H1 because some consulting companied cheated USCIS in the H1 petition. It should not affect teh I-140.
我對I140的processing一竅不通,問問版上 懂的,因為那個memo是不是我的I140被denied的可能性很高啊?
還有一個疑問,現雇主的綠卡辦到哪一步我才能 carry over prioirty date(估計兩個PD會差上一年半到兩年)?
-As long as both your I-140 (old and new) are approved, you can carry over the old I140 PD to the new I-140 PD.
原雇主估計不會withdraw我的 I140。那麽,PD carried over之後,隻要原雇主不倒閉,通過他們辦的綠卡申請還是不是永遠有效啊?
-Correct. You can get the GC from this old I-140 sponsored by your old employer.
-Correct, and that is why I say this old I-140 is a good back up.
如果這個理論行得通,那也挺好的,兩個綠卡case像雙保險。同一個 beneficiary能有multiple GC petitions麽?
-Yes. But finally, you only can get one GC (USCIS will approve one of your I-485s and deny the others).