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請教8老師: 為兒子申請的 I-130 category F2B 九月份filling date到了,他自己的EB2 I-140 還沒到filling date,他可以fill I-485 吧?

九月份F2B的filling date從八月份的2012年1月8日,一下子跳到了2014年3月22日。感覺有點不真實似的,不會是搞錯了吧?另外我的理解是:我必須維持Green Card status直到他的485批準, 然後才能申請公民。我的理解對嗎?
-Correct. If you become a US citizen before he gets the green card, then the I-130 is not F2B category, but F1 category which might delay his green card application approval. By the way, if he plans to get married before he gets green card, you must become a US citizen to upgrade the F2B to F3 before he gets married and his wife can get the green card together with him.
Otherwise if he gets married before you become a US citizen and before he gets green card, then the I-130 will be void! Then, he has to use his EB2 to get the green card in this case.




8老師: 非常感謝您的詳細解答! -poplar250- 給 poplar250 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/14/2018 postreply 11:01:03
