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回答: EB2 工資達不到prevailing wage的問題yang貓2017-03-11 15:00:15

8 老師好,以前經 8老師指教,得知比如現在我工資一年 4w, prevailing wage 一年7萬,那麽雇主要保證每年淨利潤有 3w 即可。想到了另一個問題,假設在提交 485前,我的工作變成了兼職(但是拿綠卡後可能又恢複全職),比如兼職後全年隻有半年工資,一年2w, 那麽提交485的時候,移民局是否需要看去年的個人W-2,同時要求看公司的W-2, 然後這時候就會要求公司的淨利潤在那年達到 5W?

-Your current salary does not matter to your green card application, but the employer need to prove the ability to pay from the date the PERM is file to the date you get the green card. USCIS may require the employer to provide the financial ability evidence any time such as finanicial statement, profits, etc..


感謝 8 老師! -yang貓- 給 yang貓 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2017 postreply 07:46:03
