If you want to use this experience for the PERM application,, you have to provide the proof. You may ask the former co-worker, supervisor, etc. to write a statement/reference letter to prove your employment history if you can not get it from the employer.
我想問一下,the former co-worker,supervisor是不是還必須在原單位呢?好像HR的信說證明要用公司Title的信紙和信封(好像是要證明真實信),那如果公司都沒了,就不可能在原單位找到人了,那這段經曆就不能用了,對嗎?
-The co-worker/supervisor can use the letterhead of their current employer, and also explain the old company which you worked with your co-worker/supervisor has not existed anymore (bankrupt).
另外HR寫的Job Description的要求明顯比Special Requirement高,好像Special Requirement就是Minimum要求,那我們要證明的Skill是隻要滿足Special Requirement呢,還是Job Description中所有的?
-The lawyer will take care of it and I believe it is not the first time he/she handle such as case.