
本帖於 2018-11-02 10:02:02 時間, 由普通用戶 863211 編輯

8老師,我去廣州參加了Eb1a的移民簽證麵試,麵試官讓我用英文介紹我是做什麽研究的,然後對我之前提交的信息逐項核對。最後他給我一張表--CCP/Administrative Processing 221G Sheet. 而後讓我補充一個detailed resume(請提交詳盡的中英文簡曆)後發送到指定的郵箱。我給他提供了一份簡曆,他對比了一下,在表格中勾選了還需要我提供下麵幾項內容

1. Last 10 years travel histroy

2. Work/Study Plan(Where will you seek to work or study in the United States).

我現在不清楚這個Work/Study Plan該怎麽寫,我目前沒有拿到美國單位的offer,之前有幾個美國大學表示我的研究和他們的很貼近,說是暫時沒有名額,讓我和他們保持聯係。請問您,我這種情況下,Work/Study Plan該怎麽寫?
-You need to address what kind of research projects with details you plan to conduct in US after you are landing. You need to try to use the non-professional words to write your plan and thus, the IO can understand what you are saying.The projects must be in your major field you addressed in your EB1A I-140. Also, it is very helpful if you can provide the communication evidences (e.g. emails, letters) between you and your potential employers.


8老師,謝謝您的回複,我還有一點疑問請教 -oucruiser- 給 oucruiser 發送悄悄話 (489 bytes) () 11/02/2018 postreply 17:12:22

Reply -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (2458 bytes) () 11/03/2018 postreply 11:37:59

Thank you -oucruiser- 給 oucruiser 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/03/2018 postreply 21:22:46
