It does not matter. If you still have the expired OPT EAD in hand, say "Yes" and provide the copy of the OPT EAD. If you have lost it, just say "No".
• 非常感謝8老師並祝周末愉快! -Angcky- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/28/2019 postreply 09:29:51
It does not matter. If you still have the expired OPT EAD in hand, say "Yes" and provide the copy of the OPT EAD. If you have lost it, just say "No".
• 非常感謝8老師並祝周末愉快! -Angcky- ♀ (0 bytes) () 09/28/2019 postreply 09:29:51
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