在 AP (I-131) 中,有一問"Class of Admission" (Part 1 Q-3)。
關於 Class of Admission 該填什麽,是入境時的身份,還是目前的身份(especially when you changed status in the states),老師說:"是入境時的身份"。理由如下:
1) 如果是目前的身份,移民局問的很清楚,是 "Current USCIS Status" (I-485 Part 1 Last Line)。
2) 從詞義上看,Admission 有"入"的意思,如"新生入學"、"電影入場"等等,用的就是 "Admission"。理解成"入境",是不會有問題的。
3) 老師在 AP (I-131) 的 instruction 中,找到這麽一句話 "Reentry Permit - A reentry permit allows a permanent resident or conditional resident to apply for admission to the United States upon return from abroad during the permit's validity, without having to obtain a returning resident visa from a U.S. embassy or consulate." (I-131, P2 of 10, left column, first dot)。從上下文 (return from abroad) 看,是指"入境"。
4) 另外,老師在 USCIS 網上 search "Class of Admission",返回的結果有"Agricultural Worker - As a nonimmigrant class of admission, an alien coming temporarily to the United States to perform agricultural labor or services, as defined by the Secretary of Labor." 從上下文 (coming) 看,也是指"入境"。
5) 怕又被 gc2020 揪住小辮子,老師又到 DOS 去 search "Class of Admission"。這一下,結果太多了,如果英文不是太爛的話,老師看的都是指"入境"。如:"The DHS officer can deny admission to the US to that individual based on the..."。
6) 巧了,DOS 居然還有 Admission 的解釋:"Admission: Entry into the United States is authorized by a Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer." (見 Glossary of Visa Terms )
老師之所以做這麽多的 homework,不是閑來無聊,而是因為有個網站一口咬定 "what the USCIS means by the term "Class of Admission" on the new Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. The USCIS has confirmed that they are seeking the applicant's current immigration status. " 不知道為什麽沒把 USCIS 的 confirmation 直接貼出來,那樣的話老師也不用下功夫來磨嘴皮子了。
除非有 USCIS 的其它資料,老師不認為上麵的說法準確、可信。並鄙視那些扯虎皮拉大旗的行為。
同學們請等等,AllWillHave 同學在不在?謝謝你提供的 inputking 中文輸入,老師有個問題,有空的話請你指點一二,先謝!
我於 10/1/98 以 F2 身份來美探老公,次年轉成 F1 讀書。使用了 OPT/EAD,並成功的轉成了 H1 (10/1/2001) 還延了一次(valid through 10/1/2007)。現在已經遞交了申請轉 H4,有收據還在等結果。我沒有離過境。
提問:Class of Admission 該填什麽?
F2: 100 分
F1: -50 分
H1: 0 分
H4: -50 分