“Examination for Tuberculosis-Tubercullin Skin Test”有三個選項,如果你的表上選的是“not done”,而你的醫生沒有任何解釋,那麽你很可能以後要求補材料。
我在之前貼的那個帖子裏有提到大於兩歲的申請人都應該做TB SKIN TEST。的確有兩類人may be excluded from this requirement(注意原文中的MAY BE),這兩類人是:
1.Applicants providing written documentation (with a health-care provider's signature) of a TST reaction of 5 mm or greater of induration .
2.applicants who have a history of a severe reaction with blistering to a prior TST.
對於MAY BE的事情,你自己做決定了