Trump" China an additional 10% Tariff, above any additional

本帖於 2024-12-01 21:58:36 時間, 由普通用戶 nancy_002 編輯

I don't think this guy got his facts correct, Trump said "...we will be charging China an additional 10% Tariff, above any additional Tariffs, on all of their many products coming into the United States of America..." That is, if Trump charge 25% for Mexico and Canada, then any Chinese goods from Mexico or Canada will be charged 25+10=35%.

BTW, how long has this guy been living in US, less than a year I guess? Does he even work in US? He doesn't has US health insurance it seems?

For anyone who lived overseas, you will have to agree that the quality of "made-in-China" products is to cry for. The quality is too cheap/poor to use. That's why we prefer made-in-Japan or made-in-USA goods. I believe Chinese people felt the same way too. That’s why most of the Chinese people will rather buy made-in-Japan or made-in-USA goods, even with a much higher price. Because those goods have good quality and can last longer. Who wants the product that is too cheap to use anyway?

And the fact that most of the Chinese-made products have poor quality or are fake gave the ammunition for people like Trump/ Putin to attack China. You have to admit the things Putin/ Trump say have some truth in it, but they amplified them.

So why not focus on improving your own product’s quality in order to make it more appealing to the customers, instead of worrying too much on lowering the price? Because the price of Chinese goods is already way too low with CCP manipulating RMB currency to stimulate export and relieve tariff impact.

Also Trump/Putin, like Nazis, may take some substances that is causing their erratic behavior. Just look at his Truth Social, what a lunatic. All you need to know at this moment is that they want to treat Chinese people the way they treat Jews in Nazi Germany.

I think CCP should focus on improving the quality of its goods, severely punishing fraud, counterfeit and cheating in society, rewarding honesty, enhancing moral standards and the education of ethics, and to advocate eugenics. (Sometimes if the people are too stupid or too unethical, democracy will not make them rich. Democracy I think to some extent reflects their people’s capability of self-governance and ethics.)

